Unelected EU head, Ursula von der Leyen, blames the European farmer protests on everything except the one thing that is actually causing them. Namely, the deliberate war on agriculture being waged by unelected globalists as a means of seizing control of the global food supply—and thereby control of the global population.
“Farmers are the first in line feeling the effects of climate change. Droughts and floods have destroyed their harvest and threatened their livestock… Farmers are feeling the impact of the Russian war, inflation, the rising costs of energy, the rising cost of fertilisers.”
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These freakin demons are just so dam tiring .
CO2 is the building block of Humanity
Absolutely agree
Without CO2 plants will dye and produce no CO2 for humanity
Climate Change isn’t a threat to humanity. Their response to Climate Change is the greatest threat to humanity. Instead of Climate Change destroying the world they’re insisting on doing it themselves..
This van de Leyen woman is bursting with self importance. I wish fe-manism had never happened, There are too many of these huige female egos runnin around and running our lives. How dare she tell farmers what to do! Get her away from any sort of power asap.
you so right well said
Her husband is a close associate with Pfizer … making millions out of this whole EU – UK – US – WEF -UN – WHO scam. She should be jailed, and hopefully will be in due course.
The farmers is
The farmers are taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and making food for everybody. With too low levels of CO2 plant grows would stop totally and we get a mass extinction globally. The optimum level of CO2 in the atmosphere is 2-3 times what it is now. That is a scientific fact and not up for opinions.
It’s too comical to be believed! Look at the gyrations the Globalists went through to arrive at the ultimate climate fear!
Global Cooling…worked fine…until it warmed up!
Global Warming…dang, why can’t Climate Change the way we want? Winter just looks bad.
CLIMATE CHANGE…the perfect median fear!
ALL bases covered.
1960’s – Oil gone in 10 years.
1970’s -Another Ice Age in 10yrs.
1980’s- Acid Rain will destroy all crops in I0 yrs.
1990’s – The Ozone layer will be gone in 10 years.
2000 – Ice caps will be gone in 10 yrs.
NONE HAPPENED! But, we threw billions at this non-existent Boogieman!