Author: Wide Awake Media

“The common belief that carbon dioxide is driving climate change is at odds with much of the available scientific data. Data from weather balloons and satellites, from ice core surveys and from the historical temperature records. But if CO2 isn’t driving climate, what is?” From the documentary, ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’. Watch the full documentary here:

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In 1974, Robert Welch—founder of The John Birch Society—gave a speech warning of the globalist plan to destroy America, which has since proven to be chillingly accurate. “A part of that plan… is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step, to various international organisations, of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.” Extended speech:

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Geologist and author of ‘Green Murder’, Dr. Ian Plimer: “Why remove the gas of life? Without carbon dioxide, you have no life on Earth. And if we halved the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we would probably have no plants and the whole animal kingdom would collapse… We could not survive without it, so why should we be removing plant food from the atmosphere when it hasn’t been shown that it drives global warming?” Full interview:

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Alex Epstein, author of ‘Fossil Future’, on the catastrophic consequences of Net Zero policies: “The world faces a serious crisis, one that will ruin whole economies and lead to needless suffering and death… It’s the global energy crisis—a man-made crisis created by climate change policies.” “Many will die, sacrificed on the altar of a climate crisis that doesn’t exist. How long will we let this injustice continue?” Source:

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Geologist and author of ‘Green Murder’, Dr. Ian Plimer, dismantles the myth that carbon dioxide—the gas of life—is somehow harmful: “We have been persuaded, quite irrationally, that plant food—carbon dioxide—coming out of a coal fired power generator, is somehow harmful. Plant food in the atmosphere is less than a hundredth of what it was in former times, when life thrived… It doesn’t give you global warming. Six of the six great ice ages started when there was far more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now.” Full interview:

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Stanley Johnson—the elitist, depopulation obsessed father of Boris Johnson—admits it’s “part of the national plan” that the peasants will no longer be able to fly, under the incoming ‘carbon allowance’ system: “If that means, actually, some of us are told ‘well you can’t go on a plane’, that’s fine. That’s part of the national plan.” Source:

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World Economic Forum ‘agenda contributor’ and CEO of Rabo Carbon Bank, Barbara Baarsma, argues the case for a personal carbon allowance: “If I want to fly, I buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly, for example… Or if someone lives in a small house, he can sell his carbon emission rights to someone who lives in a big house. This way, poor people can benefit from the green economy.” Source:

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