Author: John Mac Ghlionn

Steve Bing’s death in 2020 reopened the floodgates of speculation and conspiracy, particularly among those who never quite bought the official narrative. Bing, a wealthy film producer and financier with credits on high-profile projects like “The Polar Express” and “Beowulf,” was found dead at the base of a luxury apartment building in Century City, California. The coroner ruled his death a suicide, but questions persist. During a recent discussion between Tucker Carlson and comedian Tim Dillon, the topic of Bing’s demise surfaced. Dillon mentioned the perceived soullessness of Los Angeles, suggesting it might have contributed to Bing’s tragic end. Carlson, who claimed…

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Ah, the Cannes Film Festival, where the stars shine bright, the films are avant-garde, and apparently, the meat is on the chopping block. Why? Because, in our quest to save the planet, we must rid ourselves of the sinful indulgence of chicken and steak. Although the carnivorous inclination reigns supreme for the vast majority of humans, things appear to be taking a sharp turn — whether we like it or not. In the grand opera of gastronomic debate, the rising crescendo of voices advocating for a meat ban echoes with increasing fervor. But amidst the din of this dietary discord, a fundamental question emerges: what shall take…

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Yuval Noah Harari’s warnings carry the weight of an oracle in our modern age, his words resonating with an ominous, prophetic tone. Yet, amidst the foreboding landscape he paints, we must scrutinize not just his message, but the messenger himself. While Harari’s calls for vigilance against the encroaching dominance of AI in our financial systems are not unfounded, we must be wary of placing our trust solely in his solutions. At the recent Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Summit, Harari unleashed a torrent of warnings, painting a dystopian picture where AI infiltrates financial systems like an insidious Trojan horse. With his…

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