Author: Alex Newman

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant. He is the founder and CEO of Liberty Sentinel Media and writes for diverse publications in the United States and abroad.

“There are so many reasons why we ought to get out of the United Nations,” says Alex Newman, an investigative journalist who has been reporting since 2009 on the unconstitutionality and immorality of U.S. involvement in the United Nations. By condensing 15+ years of research, interviews, and articles, this short film provides some of the reasons why the U.S. must exit the UN and action items for how you can help make it happen. How You Can Help

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The effort to undermine free-market capitalism with “Natural Asset Companies” (NACs) and “Environmental, Social, Governance” (ESG) schemes may be facing setbacks, but the broader international agenda that they are a part of remains a major threat, explains Utah Treasurer Marlo Oaks in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman on Conversations That Matter. NACs, which would allow investors to somehow profit off land that they cannot use for productive purposes, just suffered a major blow when the New York Stock Exchange pulled the application for creating them with the Securities and Exchange Commission this week. But Americans must…

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DUBAI — Top leaders at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are seeking the power to prescribe “climate” policy at the international level and then potentially even oversee its implementation and enforcement. Critics, however, warned that the demands were not just unscientific, but would undermine self-governance while ushering in an “insane” totalitarian technocratic form of government. Speaking to the U.K. Guardian, one of the largest newspapers in the British Isles and perhaps the most alarmist on “climate” issues, almost half a dozen IPCC officials suggested that these UN “scientists” needed vast new powers. The supposed goal: Save humanity…

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Three new studies produced by scientists around the world and published in the peer-reviewed literature are undermining the Deep State narrative surrounding alleged man-made global warming, explains Liberty Sentinel Media CEO Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Combined with decades of stunningly inaccurate predictions by the United Nations and the “climate” establishment, the climate agenda is imploding. And yet, leading government “climate” scientists are taking to social media and blogs to hurl childish epithets at the scientists debunking their propaganda.

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Islamic terrorism is in the news a lot today, but almost nothing is being said about how the Deep State, Communists, and globalists have all sought to weaponize Muslims, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in an episode of Behind The Deep State. Under the leadership of KGB boss Yuri Andropov, the Soviets sent thousands of agents into the Muslim world to radicalize Muslims and use them to attack Israel and the West. Western governments, meanwhile, armed and trained Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and other nations under various geopolitical pretexts. Now the chickens are coming home to…

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